Barbara Weider House
A safe, transitional home for youth aged 16-24 facing homelessness in our community. We provide support & hope to youth in need.
At the Barbara Weider House (BWH), we take care of youth’s immediate needs and offer them the chance to change their lives. BWH bridges the identified critical gap between emergency shelter and independent living for youth aged 16-24. The Barbara Weider House offers a place of safety and hope for homeless youth. Our services address the needs of youth in crisis and provide the support to help them gain confidence in adolescence and focus on their education and employment possibilities. The need is so great that BWH has been full since it opened in July 2017 and there is an ongoing waiting list for our services. Youth desperately want and need our help. In addition to housing, we offer outreach programs to struggling youth in the community and on our waiting list.
We can’t do it alone, please consider a donation to the Barbara Weider House and assist our youth to create a better future.
Empowering and educating youth with the skills and abilities needed to make positive, healthy life choices about their future.
— In Memory of Barbara Weider
What We Offer
24-hour on-site supervision-we are there when you need help
Cooking facilities
Laundry facilities
The community kitchen, cooking classes
Common living room to gain social skills
Counselling and life skills
Life Coaching
Coordination with other agencies/resources for additional support
Workshops & therapeutic groups
Customized individual plans
Life Skills workshops such as: learn to cook; budgeting; gardening; household tasks; personal grooming; computer skills; fitness; health & wellness; employment skills; education skills; planning, and daily routines