Make a donation.

We accept many types of gifts and are happy to discuss what works best for you.
Contact our Fund Development Manager Pam Osmond


Monthly Giving

Gift of Stock

One-Time Donations


In Memory/In Honour

Corporate Giving

Legacy Giving

Gift of Items

“Our programs and the building of the Barbara Weider House have been made possible thanks to the generosity of many individuals, families, businesses, foundations and corporations. We are exceptionally grateful to everyone who has supported us and continues to do so.”

Deb Piggott, Sr. Fund Development Manager

Donations can be:
Mailed to 53 Campbell Street, Collingwood ON L9Y 2L1
Dropped off at our offices between 9am and 4:30PM
Left in the mailbox at 53 Campbell Street, Collingwood

Please make cheques payable to Home Horizon.

Contact our Fund Development Manager
Pam Osmond