Remarkable Results
Helping youth rebuild their lives and integrate back into society brings meaning back to their lives and directly benefits our community. Here is some of the success we have seen by investing in our youth; our future leaders.
Barbara Weider House
Hours of Essential Life Skills
delivered to the BWH residents
Have lived in the
Barbara Weider House
Reunified with Family
130+ Hours
Life Coaching sessions
Every BWH resident seen by medical Doctor
Meals Served
Youth graduated post-secondary education
Youth have pursued post secondary education
Youth graduated from BWH program
Youth Outreach
Youth served in our community of South Georgian By
Over 3,000
Unique service interactions
Connections with Medical GP to provide medication, referrals, wound care and antibiotics
Meals Served
Adult referrals to other service providers
Stats are based on results as of Fiscal 2022/2023
2023 2024 Audited Financial Statements
2022 2023 Audited Financial Statements
2022 2023 Annual Report
2023 2024 Annual Report
We currently have 12 youth from the local community on our waiting list and many more out there in need of our services.
The Social Return on Investment
Social Return on Investment (SROI) measures social, economic, and environmental factors, examining the impact a service has on the community at large, and the overall value that it brings to society.
Homelessness comes at a cost to both the individual, the family, and the community. While we cannot measure the exact cost, we know that it weighs heavily on our healthcare system, law enforcement, welfare assistance and overall tax system.
When we work with youth facing homelessness, we are not only seeking to transform their lives but to aid the community as a whole.
We intervene at a pivotal moment in a young person’s life and point them toward a more positive, healthy and productive lifestyle. In turn, their lifestyles and behaviours provide more opportunities to benefit and help the community.
We can intercept a youth who is threatened with unstable living conditions, abusive environments, exposed to a number of negative circumstances due to homelessness, substance misuse, mental/physical health complications, or any variety of unhealthy scenarios, and point them toward a more positive, healthy and productive lifestyle
Through our interventions, we are decreasing the number of times these youth seek emergency medical attention, divert instances of crime and in turn, minimize interactions with law enforcement, court time, probation and incarcerations.
Some of our clients will complete their secondary education and become tax payers, instead of sustaining long periods of welfare (Ontario Works) assistance. Some may continue on to post-secondary education where they learn specialized skills that can be offered within our community providing services that may benefit all of us for decades to come.
“Having worked as an advocate on attainable housing for many years, I recognize how innovative Home Horizon has been, applying global best practices to great effect and success. This is one of the reasons why Blue Mountain Village Foundation has been so proud to support the organization’s efforts. Congratulations to the Board of Directors, staff, and all supporters on this significant achievement!”.